Two soccer players and a slogan: The #1 camp in Northwest Ohio


Soccer Camp

Two male high school soccer players challenge for the ball

Our Camps: Boy's HS Team

July 12-14th, 2024 at the University of Findlay

Camp Benefits

Camp Description

Each team plays six games, an indoor sudden-death tournament and observes two clinics. Goalkeepers have their own training sessions. Each team is represented in an All-Star Game on Sunday morning. Coaches can set up practice sessions in their free time or involve their players in team bonding activities. The schedule is full of activities but flexible. Teams can stay in residence halls, local hotels or make their own accommodation arrangements.


To enroll, fill out team application and send in deposit. No minimum or maximum number of players per team; 14-22 suggested. Once team application is received, coaches will be mailed individual applications for their players.